Loker Agustus 2022 ! CNBC Indonesia Buka Lowongan Kerja Untuk Semua Jurusan
August 13, 2022KOMPASKERJA.com – Loker Agustus 2022 ! CNBC Indonesia Buka Lowongan Kerja Untuk Semua Jurusan
Informasi Loker Agustus 2022 ! CNBC Indonesia Buka Lowongan Kerja Untuk Semua Jurusan
Posisi : Sales Group Head
CNBC Indonesia is looking for a Sales Group Head (SGH) who will lead the sales team and constantly develop knowledge & expertise in the digital marketing field. We also looking for someone who develops a strong and trusting relationship not just with the team but also with the clients while reaching for a new one.
- Min. Bachelor’s degree in any major with min GPA of 3.00.
- Having 1-3 years of experience as a Sales Group Head.
- Interested in Sales.
- Fine with high mobilization.
- Good looking, attractive personality, honest, able to work under pressure, and multitasking.
- Must have good communication and negotiation skills.
- Able to work leading a team.
Jika sobat kompaskerja.com tertarik untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Sales Group Head position di CNBC Indonesia, silahkan kirim CV anda ke: recruitment@detik.com dengan subject (Your Name – Sales Group Head CNBC)
Catatan Penting !
– Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.
– Waspada penipuan, seleksi penerimaan karyawan CNBC Indonesia tidak dipungut biaya.