Lowongan Kerja Adaro Group Bulan April 2021 Untuk Lulusan SMK D3 S1
April 24, 2021KOMPASKERJA.com – Lowongan Kerja Adaro Group Bulan April 2021 Untuk Lulusan SMK D3 S1. Mungkin inilah salah satu peluang bekerja di perusahaan yang anda inginkan, pekerjaan ini biasanya digaji tinggi. Hal tersebut dikarenakan merupakan sektor yang cukup dikenal dengan investasi besar yaitu sektor energi atau pertambangan.
Menurut informasi yang kami peroleh, saham Adaro dimiliki ileh sejumlah pengusaha kenamaan Indonesia. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang masuk dalam jajaran daftar rang terkaya di negeri. Secara logis, bekerja di Adaro nampaknya sangat baik untuk masa depan anda. Sektor pertambangan pun yang merupakan bisnis utama mereka juga menjadi salah satu alasan untuk berkarir di Adaro.
Informasi Lowongan Kerja Adaro Group Bulan April 2021 Untuk Lulusan SMK D3 S1
Berikut daftar posisi yang dibuka pada rekrutmen Adaro Group terbaru dari masing-masing divisi.
1. Senior Auditor
Job Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree in Accounting, Engineering, or Information Technology
- Have min 6 years’ experience as Information Technology Auditor
- Preferably have CISA certification.
- Have strong data analytics and Computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs) skills.
- Have strong logical thinking and problem solving skills
- Good communications and presentation skills
2. Legal Officer
Job Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Law, with min. GPA 3.25
- Master Degree in Law would be beneficial
- Min 2 years experience in the field of corporate law
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Have good competencies in Legal Drafting, Legal Analysis, Legal Research, and Legal Compliance
- Able to work independently and in a team
- Have excellent communication (written & spoken) in English and Bahasa
1. Mine Water Facility Maintenance Supervisor
Job Requirements :
- Bachelor Degree in Environmental Engineering / Civil Engineering / Mining Engineering
- Have min 3 years of work experience in the field of environment (Wastewater Management)
- Strong competencies in Mining Industry Knowledge, Administration Management, and Safety
- Health Environment Awareness
- Willing to be placed in Balangan, South Kalimantan
2. Short Term Engineer
Job Requirements :
- Bachelor degree of Mining / Geological / Civil / Geodetic Engineering
- Minimum 2 years Experiences as Short Term / PIT Control Engineer
- Understand mine sequencing & Operational
- Mastering minex and minescape software
- Have knowlegde about Occupational Health and Safety
- Willing to be placed in Balangan, South Kalimantan
1. Officer – Warehouse People Development
Job Requirements
- Hold a minimum of Diploma 3 from any major
- Possess at least 2 years of working experience in Logistic department from mining industry
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office. Exposure in office management software such as SAP would be an advantage
- Able to work under pressure
- Possess good communication skill
2. Officer – Admin Recruitment
Job Requirements
- Holds Bachelor’s Degree of Management / Accounting / Business Administration
- Proven experience as an office administrator, officer assistant, or relevant role
- Familiar with office management procedure and basic accounting principles
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office. Exposure in office management software such as SAP would be an advantage
- Able to work under pressure
- Possess good communication skill
1. Shipyard Facility & Maintenance Supervisor
Job Requirements :
- Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) of Naval Architect/ Mechanical Engineering/ Electrical Engineering/ Industrial Engineering
- Minimum 3 years of experience in the same or related position in shipyards or other similar industries
- In-depth experience of machine and heavy equipment overhaul
- In-depth experience of networking and electrical networks (strong current)
- Experience in maintaining various types of heavy equipment and electrical networks (Loader,
- Excavator, Dozer, Winch, and Power Panel)
- Willing to be placed in South Kalimantan
2. Port Captain
Job Requirements :
- Min education ANT III.
Experience as a master or port captain for min 1 year and / or working in a tanker / bulk carrier.
Understand computer programs and basic marine practice.
Willing to work on shore in South Kalimantan.
1. Finance & Accounting Officer
Job Requirements :
- Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Finance or Accounting
Minimum 2 – 3 years experience in a similar position
Required Competencies: Financial Analysis; Financial Planning & Budgeting; Loan Documentation Monitoring & Reporting
Good communication skils
Good command in English both verbal and written
1. Crew Pompa
Job Requirements :
- Minimum Vocational High School (SMK), preferably majoring in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering
- Minimum 1 years experience as Operator, preferably Pump Operator
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Good communication skill
- Willing to be located in Tanjung – Tabalong, South Kalimantan
Bagi teman-teman kompaskerja yang tertarik bekerja di sektor ini, anda dapat langsung mengajukan lamaran melalui laman website perusahaan berikut ini : http://adarocareer.com/
Catatan Penting !
– Yth. Calon Pelamar Kerja Adaro Group, dengan ini kami menginformasikan bahwa saat ini terdapat modus penipuan berdalih rekrutmen yang mengatas namakan PT Adaro Energy, Tbk dan anak perusahaan, yang menghubungi calon pelamar dan meminta transfer sejumlah uang untuk pembelian tiket dalam rangka proses seleksi.
– Adaro Group tidak pernah meminta pelamar kerja kami untuk mengirimkan sejumlah uang untuk proses rekrutmen.
– Jika Anda membutuhkan klarifikasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi Departemen Human Resources di alamat email recruitment@adaro.com.
Semoga informasi ini membantu anda untuk mendapatkan informasi yang dapat anda jadikan sebagai referensi untuk mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan di Adaro Group.