Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Singapore Branch

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Singapore Branch

March 30, 2021 Off By kompaskerja

KOMPASKERJA.com – Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Singapore Branch layak masuk dalam pertimbangan anda untuk mengajukan lamaran. Berkarir di luar negeri tentu memiliki pengalaman yang bagus untuk masa depan anda. Siap dengan tantangan karir terbaru ini?

T Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk atau populer disebut Bank BRI atau bisa juga disebut BRI adalah sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara. Sebagai bank yang cukup besar, BRI memiliki kantor di luar negeri. Mereka hadir di sejumlah negara dimana masyarakat Indonesia cukup banyak atau mungkin ada pertimbangan lain dari pihak BRI sendiri. Salah satunya adalah di Singapura, BRI Singapore Branch berlokasi di 50 Collyer Quay *08-06, OUE Bayfront, Singapore 049321.

Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Singapore Branch

Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Singapore Branch

Posisi : Client Service Executive

Job Description :

  • Manage bank transaction including receiving transaction document from customer and ensure adherence to Department SOP, Bank’s policies and guidelines.
  • Administer CDD Document related to the customer.
  • Perform trade sanctions screening, LLI checks, IMB checks, pricing check and identifying red flags and escalate as per Bank’s procedures.
  • Conduct transaction monitoring, follow-up on end to end process handling for transaction, service contact for the customer.
  • Work closely with Relationship Manager and other stakeholders on the daily transactions.
  • Handle post transaction follow ud assignments

Requirements :

  • Having 1 to 2 years working experience in the Customer Service and Operations will be advantage
  • Fresh Graduates in Banking and Finance are welcome to apply
  • Client service oriented
  • Ability to exercise sound judgement on transaction monitoring and escalation of red flags
  • Proficient in SWIFT messages such as MT7xx, MT4xx, MT202 and MT103
  • Conversant & competent in application of UCP600, ISBP, URC522, ISP98, URR725 and Incoterms
  • Good working attitude and positive mindset
  • Ability to work effectively, independently and a team player
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to adapt to the changing needs of the organization and demands of both internal and external stakeholders
  • Work cohesively to build alliances and partnerships with other stakeholders.


Jika anda tertarik untuk melamar pekerjaan ini dan memenuhi syarat, silahkan langsung ajukan lamaran via online melalui link berikut : APPLY

Catatan Penting !

– Rekrutmen Bank BRI tidak dipungut biaya.


– Selalu waspada terhadap penipuan, terutama panggilan tes palsu yang meminta transfer uang mengatasnamakan BRI.