Lowongan Kerja PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (4 Posisi) Update Mei 2022
May 27, 2022KOMPASKERJA.com – Lowongan Kerja PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (4 Posisi) Update Mei 2022 layak masuk dalam daftar peluang kerja yang anda ikuti seleksinya. Bekerja di sektor yang terkait dengan pelayanan publik oleh perusahaan swasta tentu sangat banyak pengalaman yang bisa dipetik. Apakah anda suka tantangan terbaru ini?
Tahukah anda? Prodia didirikan sebagai laboratorium sederhana pada tanggal 7 Mei 1973 di Solo, Jawa Tengah. Pada tahun 1999, Prodia menjadi laboratorium klinik pertama di Indonesia yang mendapatkan sertifikasi ISO 9002. Di tahun 2021, Prodia berhasil menjadi laboratorium klinik terbesar di Indonesia dengan hadirnya 152 cabang (259 outlet) di 67 kabupaten dan 74 kota yang tersebar di 34 provinsi.
Informasi Lowongan Kerja PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (4 Posisi) Update Mei 2022
Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk mengisi beberapa posisi dengan penempatan Head Office Jakarta.
1. Organization Development Specialist [Code: ODS]
- Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management from reputable university, minimum GPA 3.00
- Minimum 2-3 years work experience as organizational development.
- Strong analytical and conceptual thinking.
- Attention to detail, eager to learn, fast learner.
- Advanced to use Microsoft Excel & Power Point.
- Fluent in English (both written & oral).
- Review organizational structure & employee’s job description on a regular basis based on company needs.
- Provide suggestion for development and improvement of competencies according to work load and responsibility.
2. Investor Relation Specialist [Code: IRS]
- Bachelor’s Degree in Finance / Accounting from reputable university, minimum GPA 3.00
- Minimum 2-3 years work experience as investor relation.
- Strong analytical, conceptual thinking and public speaking.
- Proficiency to use Microsoft Excel & Power Point.
- Fluent in English (both written & oral).
- Responsible for the preparation of improvement / development, as well as the implementation of business plan.
- Maintain & update data relation to investors on a regular basic.
- Maintain & build relationship with corporate executive, both internal & external.
3. Digital Marketing Executive [Code: DM]
- Bachelor’s Degree in Communication / Marketing from reputable university, minimum GPA 3.00
- Minimum have 2-3 years work experience as digital marketing in ecommerce.
- Strong creative, conceptual, and strategical thinking.
- Fluent in English (both in oral and written).
- Used to handle various of digital channel.
- Give an advice in development of digital / business / science / technology to increase revenue & customer visit.
- Ensure that the prospecting / marketing activity process for digital collaboration runs well.
4. Media Relation Coordinator [Code: MRC]
- Bachelor’s degree with 5 years experience in marketing, marketing strategy, and branding or similar role.
- Good time management skills, ability to work on multiple projects, and meet tight deadlines.
- Good strategic thinking with strong research skills, analytical and problem-solving mindset.
- Creativity and an ability to produce innovative and original ideas, not afraid to try new things.
- Develop plan to execute and monitor the implementation of brand initiatives.
- Cooperate and build relationships with various organizations/ institutions/ companies/ media/ influencers.
Bagi sobat yang tertarik melamar pekerjaan ini, silahkan kirimkan CV and portfolio anda melalui email ke : recruit@prodia.co.id dengan Subject: Kode Posisi
Catatan Penting !
– Seleksi penerimaan karyawan PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk tidak dipungut biaya / gratis. Waspada penipuan yang mencatut nama perusahaan.