Lowongan Kerja Unilever Untuk Semua Jurusan Tahun 2021
February 9, 2021KOMPASKERJA.com – Lowongan Kerja Unilever Untuk Semua Jurusan Tahun 2021 menjadi salah satu yang dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan anda menentukan arah karir anda selanjutnya. Berkarir di perusahaan multinasional tentu saja akan sangat berdampaik baik bagi karir anda. Ada banyak pengalaman kerja yang anda dapatkan, semuanya akan bermanfaat untuk anda.
Mungkin anda sudah banyak mengetahui tentang perusahaan yang satu ini, atau bahkan anda pernah dan sering menggunakan produk buatan Unilever. Inilah salah satu raksasa perusahaan fast moving consumer goods di dunia, Unilever yang produknya sangat banyak beredar di Indonesia. Dalam keseharian masyarakat Indonesia sangat mudah untuk menemukan produk-produk Unilever. Tahukah anda? Unilever memiliki lebih dari 400 merek dagang, dengan 14 merek diantaranya memiliki total penjualan lebih dari £1 milliar. Ini sebuah angka yang fantatis, yang mungkin sulit ditandingi oleh kebanyak perusahaan FMCG.
Informasi Lowongan Kerja Unilever Untuk Semua Jurusan Tahun 2021
Berikut informasi selengkapnya terkait rekrutmen Unilever terbaru yang dapat anda ikuti seleksinya, cek persyaratan masing-masing.
U-Fresh is a brand-new graduate sales trainee program to develop your career to become a leader who focuses on the Customer Development (Sales) Function within one year. By the end of the traineeship program, you will be expected to deliver a brilliant execution, win the consumer and well-rounded capability to be assigned as Assistant Area Sales Manager (AASM) in all over Indonesia.
Qualifications :
- 2021 Graduates (or will be graduated) from all major with strong leadership capability
- Professional with maximum 2 years working experiences
- Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.00 from reputable University
- Age max 26 yo
- Hold an active driving license (SIM A)
- Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
Due Date Application: 14 February 2021
Selection Process: 15 – 28 February 2021
Joining Date: 15 March 2021
UFLP (Unilever Future Leaders Program) for Go to Market
30 months traineeship program designed to prepare future Unilever leaders through challenging projects and roles to become business leaders. UFLP Go to Market prepares you with rotations across divisions in Marketing and Sales, international rotation, transformation project with a very supportive learning environment and direct professional development from Unilever leaders. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact.
Qualifications :
- Fresh Graduate or professional with experience not more than 2 years.
- All major , Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30
- Willing to be placed all over Indonesia
Due Date Application: 31 March 2021
Selection Process: May – June 2021
Joining Date: 1 October 2021
Baca juga : Lowongan Kerja Management Trainee PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk
UFLP (Unilever Future Leaders Program) for Finance
30 months traineeship program designed to prepare future Unilever leaders through challenging projects and roles to become business leaders. UFLP Finance give you opportunities to see the whole business and experience different roles within Finance field from Controlling, Business Partnering, Accounting or Business Data Analytics. You will get an international rotation, a very supportive learning environment and direct professional development from Unilever leaders. By the end of the program, you are expected to be a manager ready with a strong leadership impact.
Qualifications :
- 2021 Graduates (or will be graduated) for Commercial, Finance and Accounting Major
- Professional with maximum 2 years working experiences
- Bachelor Degree with GPA min 3.30
Due Date Application: 28 February 2021
Selection Process: March – April 2021
Joining Date: 1 October 2021
Siap untuk berkarir di perusahaan sebesar Unilever? Anda dapat melakukan pendaftaran melalui bit.ly/UnileverRecruitment2021 untuk mengikuti seleksinya.
Catatan Penting !
– Seluruh proses rekrutmen Unilever tidak dipungut biaya/gratis.
– Hati-hati terhadap segala bentuk penipuan berkedok panggilan tes palsu yang meminta transfer uang mengatasnamakan Unilever.