Open Recruitment 2021 Project Staff Industry, Energy, Oil & Gas Division PT Virama Karya (Persero)

Open Recruitment 2021 Project Staff Industry, Energy, Oil & Gas Division PT Virama Karya (Persero)

September 12, 2021 Off By kompaskerja – Open Recruitment 2021 Project Staff Industry, Energy, Oil & Gas Division PT Virama Karya (Persero) sangat layak masuk dalam daftar utama karir yang anda ikuti seleksinya. Mungkin banyak diantara teman-teman yang sedang menunggu peluang untuk berkarir di perusahaan BUMN, inilah saatnya untuk memulai langkah awal anda. Sudah siap bersaing?

Sudah mengetahui hal ini? PT VIRAMA KARYA (Persero) adalah perusahaan konsultan dengan spesialisasi pada bidang pelayanan jasa teknik dan manajemen bidang transportasi jalan dan jembatan serta bidang teknik sipil lainnya. Pada awalnya, perusahaan ini adalah perusahaan Swasta Belanda yang bernama NV. Architecten Ingenieurs Bureau Fermon Cuypers yang didirikan pada tahun 1961. Perusahaan ini dinasionalisasi melalui peraturan pemerintah (PP) No. 56/1961, dan beroperasi di bawah Binaan Kementerian Tenaga Listrik dan Pekerjaan Umum. Kemudian pada tahun 1970, menjadi Persero PT Virama Karya berdasarkan PP No. 38/1970, dengan pembinaan dari Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Departemen Keuangan. Dari tahun 1971 sampai sekarang telah banyak pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang dipercayakan kepada PT Virama Karya baik untuk pekerjaan tata ruang, pemetaan, jalan dan jembatan maupun pekerjaan bendungan dan irigasi.

Open Recruitment 2021 Project Staff Industry, Energy, Oil & Gas Division PT Virama Karya (Persero)

Informasi Open Recruitment 2021 Project Staff Industry, Energy, Oil & Gas Division PT Virama Karya (Persero)


  • Bachelor Degree (S1) of Engineering
  • Having experience min. 15 years in Facility Engineering Projects include 10 Years in Design & Construction of Oil & Gas Facilities/Petrochemical
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.


  • Bachelor Degree (S1) of Engineering
  • Having experience min. 15 years in Construction Project of Oil & Gas Facilities/Petrochemical.
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.
  • Have working knowledge of applicable industrial practices and be able to make schedule plans from the database of each project and be responsible for project control and report.
  • Experience in Microsoft Project, and others.


  • Bachelor Degree (S1) with fields as below:
    – Rotating/Mechanical Static/Piping Engineering
    – Process Engineering
    – Civil/Structure Engineering
    – Electrical Engineering
    – Instrument & Control Engineering
    – Process Safety Engineering
    – Designer & Drafter
  • Having experience min. 10 years as Engineer in Design & Construction Project of Oil & Gas Facilities/Petrochemical
  • Have working knowledge of applicable industrial practices and be able to make schedule plans from the database of each project and be responsible for project control and report.
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.

4. Senior Engineer

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) with fields as below:
    – Rotating/Mechanical Static/Piping Engineering
    – Process Engineering
    – Civil/Structure Engineering
    – Electrical Engineering
    – Instrument & Control Engineering
    – Process Safety Engineering
    – Designer & Drafter
  • Having experience min. 7 years as Engineer in Design & Construction Project of Oil & Gas Facilities/Petrochemical
  • Have working knowledge of applicable industrial practices and be able to make schedule plans from the database of each project and be responsible fpr project control and report.
  • Solid organizational skills in wading attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verba co unication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.

5. Engineer

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) with fields as below:
    – Rotating/Mechanical Static/Piping Engineering
    – Process Engineering
    – Civil/Structure Engineering
    – Electrical Engineering
    – Instrument & Control Engineering
    – Process Safety Engineering
    – Designer & Drafter
  • Having experience min. 5 years experiences as an Engineer in the Design & Construction of Oil & Gas Facilities/Petrochemical
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.

6. Project Cost Control and Estimator

  • Bachelor Degree (S1) of Engineering
  • Having experience min. 5 years in Project Construction in Oil & Gas Facilities/ Petrochemical.
  • Have working knowledge and applicable industry practices and be able to make estimates from database inquiries and have experience of responsibility and control over cost reporting and cost flow.
  • Experienced in Microsoft Project.
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.

7. Designer/lead drafter

  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering
  • Having experience min. 5 years in Project Construction in Oil & Gas Facilities/ Petrochemical.
  • Ability to design the process, mechanical and Piping, electrical Instrument, as well as civil and structure.
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.

8. Drafter

  • Diploma (D3) / Bachelor (S1) of Engineering.
  • Having experience min. 5 years for Associate Degree as drafter, or
  • Having experience min. 3 ye rs for Bachelor Degree as drafter.
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written&yerbal
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.

9. Document Control

  • Diploma (D3) of any major
  • Having experience min. 5 years experiences as a facility document controller in FEED projects includes min. 3 years experiences in the construction of oil & gas facilities/petrochemical.
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verbal communication skills
  • Strong an analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.
  • Have the ability and thoroughness in examining detailed and detailed documents.
  • Have a good plan.

10. Engineer Specialist

  • Experience as a consultant engineer specialist min 15 years as a specialist in oil & gas facilitis/petrochemical
  • Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
  • Excellent written & verball communication skills
  • Strong in analytical mindset of Interpersonal and Organizational.


Register only on (KARIR)
10-20 September 2021

Catatan Penting !

– PT. Virama Karya (Persero) tidak berhubungan dengan pihak manapun dalam proses rekrutmen, dan tidak pernah meminta pemungutan biaya administrasi.


– Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi.